State Management in React

State Management in React

State management is a fundamental concept in React, the ubiquitous JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. As a front-end developer, efficiently handling application data is crucial. This blog dives into the world of React state management, providing a clear guide to help you manage state effectively.

What is a State?

State acts as the dynamic data storage in your React application. It's an object that houses data that can change over time. This data allows components to track changes, manage relevant information, and trigger re-renders when updates occur. React's modular nature makes state a perfect container for encapsulating data, logic, and behaviour within individual components.

Thinking in React: A Developer's Superpower

By understanding state, you can visualize your application before building it. This mental model, often referred to as "Thinking in React," involves grasping core React principles like:

  • Keeping components pure

  • Passing data down as props (one-way data flow)

  • Lifting state up when necessary

  • Other essential aspects of the React development paradigm

When to Use State ?

Data plays a central role in building any web application, and React is no exception. Components display or operate on data, which can come from various sources like user input, API calls, or internal calculations.

When you need to access and update data within a component, that's your cue to leverage state. Here's an example:

Building a Simple To-Do List App

Imagine a basic to-do list app where users can input items that get dynamically added to a displayed list. The item names will be entered through a text input and added to an array that holds all the list items.

In this scenario, two aspects involve changing data:

  1. The user's input for the item name

  2. The list of items displayed on the screen

Any update to this data would necessitate a component re-render. To manage these changes, we'll utilize the useState hook.

Introducing the useState Hook

The useState hook empowers components to manage state variables. Here's how it looks in action for our to-do list app:

import { useState } from "react";

function App() {
  const [name, setName] = useState("");
  const [items, setItems] = useState([]);
  // ... rest of the component

We've initialized two state variables:

  • name: Stores the current item name entered by the user (initially an empty string)

  • items: Holds the list of items (initially an empty array)

The useState function returns an array where the first element is the current state value, and the second element is a function used to update the state. In our case, setName and setItems are responsible for modifying their respective state variables.

Important Note: When updating state, it's essential to avoid directly modifying the state itself. Instead, use the updater function provided by useState or spread syntax (for objects and arrays) to ensure predictable state updates and avoid unintended side effects.

Where to Use State: Local vs. Global

There are two main categories of state in React development:

  1. Local State: This refers to data maintained within a single component. It's typically used for managing information specific to that component's functionality. Local state promotes modularity and separation of concerns.

  2. Global State: This encompasses data accessible by multiple components throughout your application. It's usually declared and located in the root component (the top-level component of your application hierarchy). Global state facilitates communication between components that require shared data.

Understanding State Placement in our To-Do List App

Let's revisit our to-do list and identify where to store each state variable:

  • name: This state only pertains to capturing user input for item names within the Nav component. Therefore, it's a local state variable.

  • items: This state holds the entire list of items, potentially accessed and displayed by multiple components like ListArea and Footer. So, items qualify as a global state variable.

Lifting State Up: A Communication Strategy

In our example, the Nav component captures user input but needs to pass the new item data to the App component (where the items state resides). This technique, known as "lifting state up," ensures that the data can be accessed and managed centrally.

import { useState } from "react";

function App() {
  const [items, setItems] = useState([]);

  function handleAddItems(newItem) {
    setItems((prevItems) => [...prevItems, newItem]);

  return (
      <Header />
      <Nav handleAddItems={handleAddItems} />
      <ListArea items={items} />
      <Footer items={items} />

function Header() {
  return <h2>ToDo List</h2>;

function Nav({ handleAddItems }) {
  const [name, setName] = useState("");

  const handleAddButtonClick = () => {
    const newItem = { name, id: };
    handleAddItems(newItem); // Pass the new item to the App component
    setName(""); // Reset the input field after adding the item

  return (
      <input type="text" value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} />
      <button onClick={handleAddButtonClick}>Add</button>

function ListArea({ items }) {
  return (
        { => (
          <li key={}>{}</li>

function Footer({ items }) {
  return (
      {items.length !== 0 ? (
        <p>You have {items.length} items in your cart</p>
      ) : (
        <p>You can start adding items to your list</p>

Bonus Tip: For applications with complex data requirements or numerous components that need to share state, React offers solutions beyond the built-in useState hook.